Archive for the 'Misc Omega' Category

Cry Freedom

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007

Been a long time huh? Back after a long hiatus [got two years but time off for good behavior, possession of an offensive wife if you must know], let me find my Omega feet and we will be back firing on all cylinders. In the meantime a small lesson, people will fake anything. Take a […]

Buddy Holly’s Omega Watch In April Auction

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2006

Over-rated artist but under rated for his watch taste imho So readers how much will this Omega fetch, any guesses? The diamond wristwatch worn by rock music pioneer Buddy Holly “the day the music died” will be offered in a public auction by his widow along with over 100 other personal items. Holly was wearing […]

Spot The Connection – Railmaster, Panerai & Blogging

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

Give in? Fresh from the inbox we have this XXL Omega Railmaster on a Panerai style strap from a new Blogger! A big thanks to Mark the creator of the new Panerai Blog for the pictures, make sure you pay him a visit.

The Value of Provenance & an Omega Watch

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

A very interesting quote regarding the recent sale of President Kennedy’s Inauguration Watch. In brief without the history the watch is worth $1000, just shows the value of keeping everything with your watch. If you track prices you will see that “papers” add a significant chunk of value to the sales price, the simple rule […]

JFK’s Omega Watch Sold at Auction

Monday, December 19th, 2005

So John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Omega finally went for sale, not at ebay this time Purchased by Omega for their museum it went for $350,000 which was a bit less than I thought here. Its a nice watch for sure, could do with a redial to make it minty [hehehehehe] but to be honest if […]

Omega Watch Storage in Ferrari Leather

Tuesday, November 1st, 2005

Been waiting for this for a few weeks now and it finally arrived today. Well worth the wait! The quality and feel of the leather is beyond compare and by the same people that do the leather for Ferrari. Now don’t get me wrong I love collecting Omega watches most of all but I have […]