JFK’s Omega Watch Sold at Auction

So John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Omega finally went for sale, not at ebay this time :) Purchased by Omega for their museum it went for $350,000 which was a bit less than I thought here.

Its a nice watch for sure, could do with a redial to make it minty [hehehehehe] but to be honest if I was President of the most powerful nation on earth a nice pie-pan connie would have been better!

On 9 November 1960, John F. Kennedy at 43 years of age became the youngest man ever elected to the office of President of the United States of America. At his Inauguration Ceremony, he wore his Omega and a photograph was published in LIFE magazine which prominently showed this watch on Kennedy’s wrist. The President continued to wear the watch and whenever he would see Stockdale he would make a point of showing him that he was wearing the watch, which he nicknamed ‘the Stockdale watch’.

jfk omega watch

kennedy omega watch

presidential omega

kenedy omega


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